quinta-feira, 5 de junho de 2008

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Esta mensagem para dizer a voçês o quanto os quero bem e que
a Mada estarà sempre no meu coração, mesmo se ela se foi no
balão...E através voçês, ela està fisicamente com a gente.
Soube, pela Aparecida, que "Na Boca do Balão" foi
maravilhoso, digno dela e do Amor que ela nos deu. Por causa
dela, nos sentimos todos melhores. E quanta lembrança tenho
dela, aqui em Paris, ai em B.H, no Rio, enfim no mundo... A
nossa reunião, na casa de Marie Anne, foi muito bôa e
comovente: revi amigos dela e de Bernard que conheci em 1966
e conheci outros que, na epoca, estavam fòra de Paris.
Enfim, mais uma vez Magdalena nos fêz feliz!
Abraços carinhosos para todos

Anônimo disse...

I am so sorry to hear that Magdalena has passed away. My thoughts are with you all. I saw the e-mail address on the blog page in memory of Magdalena and decided to write to that address in the hope of reaching you.

It is not without a shame that I contact you now after all these years. I only wish I had done it sooner so I could have expressed my gratitude to my Brazilian mother who opened her home to me for a whole year. I like to consider you as my family and want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the kindness and openness you showed me during my year with you. I have many good memories from my time in Brazil with you and I often think about it. Unfortunately I have forgotten most of my Portuguese.

I have no valid excuse, only explanations, as to why I have not kept in touch with you since I left Brazil 25 years ago. I am afraid it all comes down to the fact that I have been self-centred, lacking perspective and understanding. With other words, a foolish young man to lazy and weak to face up to the most obvious, my passive behaviour destroying all bounds with you.

It made me happy to se the pictures on the blog and to be able to recognise some of you there. It looks like a very nice day you had, and I feel Magdalena must have liked to be remembered like this.

I recognised you Bernard, Pedro, Ana and I think its you Lídia in one of the picture facing away from the camera. I also saw a woman looking like you Maria, but she is so young looking that I am thinking it could be your daughter. I could not recognise you Ivan and Inês on these pictures.

I am now living in Sweden with my little family, Lotten my fiancé and our wonderful son Emil, 1 and 1/2 years old. I am a rehabilitation doctor, working in a hospital in Gothenburg. My family in Iceland is well, we visit them regularly and we are actually going there in a few days on our holidays.

In September this year there is a world congress in rehabilitation in Brasilia in which I have decided to attend. This will be the first time I come back to Brazil and I have already decided to visit Belo Horizonte in September 20th – 23rd, on my way to the congress.

I wish to meet you all in September. Obviously I can not expect you to meet up with me when I show up suddenly after all these years and even if you want to I realize that you might not be able to because of other plans or because you are now living far away from Belo Horizonte. I can only hope to meet up with as many of you as possible.

Muitos abracos para vocês todos.
